Photo: Neuroscience Leadership Institute (NLI)

For the past few days, this reality has been knocking on my conscious doors to pen down and share. Especially in the era, we experienced 24 months of the global pandemic and dire economic consequences.

Phenomena of such magnitude are also pregnant with possibilities, and this is how humans have done and achieved great things.

In the face of such challenges and other life experiences, I have read and heard people say fake it until it happens.

For this and many other reasons, many of us are faking or feigning happiness, smile, laughter, sex, orgasm, success, satisfaction, forgiveness, relationships, etc.

Our brains are made up of millions of neural networks, and they generate new daily to correspond to all the biological chemicals the body produces for our benefit. Chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, etc., are so beneficial to all the feelings and experiences I have listed.

The brain indeed loves imaginations that evoke the will to action to see these come to being, and this is far from faking or feigning.

When amid all challenges, you find one reason about life to be grateful, the neural networks of the brain, has got the memory of the reason for which you are grateful and its associated feelings triggered by the right chemicals. It sends signals to other brain parts to quicken creativity, innovations, potentials, answers, intuitive collaboration, etc., to bring about possibilities and awareness of solutions.

But when you feign or fake smile, laughter, love, sex, orgasm, success, satisfaction, forgiveness, etc., your brain neural networks know you are lying because the facials or body language you have triggered do not have the corresponding chemicals behind them. The constant feigning forms and models your, our chemicals create and impact who we are.

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Imagine you are smiling wide, but the actual emotions at that moment are grief and heaviness; you create challenges for the brain neural networks and chemicals our body releases for our benefits

Our brain remembers all the situations by creating pathways for future use.

So when you keep faking and feigning feelings of various types and forms, you force the brain to record differently without the benefits the said feelings should have brought through the right chemicals.

Why do we think we ask for assistance for a dear one who laughs, cries, and frown intermittently? It is because the sequence of emotional and body languaging is deemed incongruous. The brain’s neural and chemicals are not in congruence for needed bodily impact and well-being

Have you lost meaning to life, laughter, love, smiles, sex, orgasm, satisfaction, affection, forgiveness, etc.? Aside from severe traumatic effects or conditions, kindly check your actions and their corresponding feelings? Especially the thought and intent that makes you fake and feign these emotions and feelings.

Have you noticed that, aside from acting purposes, you cannot pretend to be angry for long if there is laughter beneath the act or intention. Same way, you cannot pretend for long to be laughing while there is anger or grief feelings and intent triggered. If it lasts longer, you can tell your body would use some means to draw your attention to it. A lot of times, our intuition drops the awareness, but if you ignore it, it will force you to accept that being you are forging.

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You may be deceiving and lying to others, but the real damage ongoing in your brains and the short-circuiting of your body chemicals is to your detriment.

Neuroscience or neuroplasticity is still exploring how powerful our brains and it’s corresponding bodily chemicals are for our wellbeing.

Forgiveness, appreciation, laughter, smiles, love, sex orgasm, giving, anger (short-lived), etc., are powerful feelings that enhance and benefit our brain neural networks, which can fire you up or lead you into solutions, creativity, innovations, effective communication, healthy relationship, work-life balance, etc.

Don’t self-sabotage, and don’t hold yourself hostage by your actions and inactions as well as experiences of the past.

Laugh and mean it, give and let it go, forgive and learn the lessons, love and experience it, make love and be vulnerable, be gracious and make it human, get angry and express it but let it be short-lived, have gratitude, and let it matter, last but not least, love yourself and give unto others.

𝗦𝗰𝗼𝗳𝗿𝗮𝘆 𝗡𝗮𝗻𝗮 𝗬𝗮𝘄 𝗬𝗲𝗯𝗼𝗮𝗵, 𝗣𝗖𝗖
Transformational Coach| Certified Professional Corporate Trainer| Lead Consultant for Zoweh Global Consult

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