Man of God

Founder and General Overseer of Glory Lamp Ministry International (GLAM), Apostle Solomon Asare Sarkodie has described husbands who enjoy oral sex from their wives as not only abusing them but homosexuals.

According to him, such acts should be condemned because it’s not written in a bible that a woman must go down to a man’s private area and suck him.

Speaking on the ‘Best Entertainment Show’ on OKAY FM Monday morning, Apostle Sarkodie said such order of sexual intercourse deviates from the natural orientation from God as well as goes against the doctrines of Christianity.

“In God’s own knowledge, he has arranged for everything. In Romans 1:26-27, God was clear on unnatural act of sex. He indicated in the bible that such practices are against the doctrines – it however links us to homosexuality, girls sleeping with girls, men sleeping with men, what at all do they do which makes it unnatural against the doctrines of God and brings down God’s anger?

“It’s the act, the act gays practice is sucking, so the act sucking which God talks against and frowns upon. It’s against his teachings. If this very act is wrong and described as evil, then any man that sleeps with the wife and allows sucking is also gay – indirectly you’ve married a woman just so you won’t be exposed. God describes it as a sin” he told Halifax Ansah-Adddo.

His fellow man of God, Prophet Kumchacha however disagreed with him on the same show by saying, he sees nothing wrong with a wife sucking her man as that spices up the sexual life of couples.

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He noted that “the only thing that keeps married couples happy and sexually active is to have oral sex and through that they will live happily ever after”.

“The quotation he used doesn’t specify any wrongdoing with sucking and licking. I Corinthians 6: 9-11 for instance talks vividly against gay and lesbian practices but there’s no quotation in the bible which violates married couples sucking or licking each other. The reality also is that, Apostle Sarkodie does not know what is sweet in this world, reason he opting against sucking” he added.

Credit: DGN Online

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