landslideaburi - Highways Minister

Dear Hon. Minister:

In 2018, President Nana Addo’s public announcement at Ashesi University and also with the Chief at Agyementi and Kitase Township promising to complete and construct the highly sensitive and national security risk road at Kitase Berekuso towards Lansdown Resort and Ashesi University.

As of today, nothing has been Done. Mr. Hon Minister in 2019 you stated during the rockfalls at Aburi that you will bring down all unpermitted buildings on sloppy hillsides in Aburi and around Kitase and you wisely called for Tree Planting along the roads to address the rockfalls and erosion as of today nothing done.

I hereby request that you prioritize the Kitase Berekuso Road to be constructed within 6 months and plant trees along the road. Please massively enforce the policy to bring down all I permitted buildings and risky hillside buildings on sloppy hills and finally, the Ministry should put up an Advertising Board on the road in Aburi which states plant trees and stop cutting trees.

Please meet with the Chiefs and the District Assembly to enforce the building codes and require all builders and developers to plant 12 trees and set aside 20 percent of their land space to grass and trees plus No Walls around houses and require only shrubs hedges as walls and fences to stop the erosion.

For the Berekuso Kitase Road Ban Heavy Trucks on the road and require all buildings on the road to have 20 feet setback and no vendors and sellers on the Kitase side of the Berekuso road leading to the Lansdown and the Kitase police station.

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At the Kitase junction on the Aburi road require setbacks and plant trees to decrease the traffic and increase smooth traffic flow or build a car parking. All stores should plant a tree in front of their property to capture the pollution from cars and vehicles.
Thank you

Credit: Dr. Peter Sam

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