Prince Charles

“I urge you, as the world’s decision-makers, to find practical ways of overcoming differences,” Prince Charles has admonished.

Prince Charles further argued that a “war-like footing” is needed to tackle the climate crisis, as he opened the COP26 summit in Glasgow.

He was addressing UN Climate Change Conference COP26 currently ongoing in Glasgow Scotland.

The Prince of Wales called for a “vast military-style campaign” to address urgent environmental issues.

The royal, who has spent decades trying to raise awareness of the growing crisis, spoke at the opening ceremony of the major climate conference hosted by the UK in Scotland on Monday.

He stressed the urgency of dealing with climate change, saying: “We have to put ourselves on what might be called a war-like footing.”

He went on to urge leaders across the world to systematically engage with businesses to solve the climate problems Earth faces.

He said: “We need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector. With trillions at its disposal”.

Prince Charles also delivered a speech in Rome on Sunday, to leaders at the G20 summit.

During those remarks, he described COP26 as “the last-chance saloon”, as he called for “fine words” to be translated into “still finer actions”.

“Time is quite literally running out”

He told the politicians gathered in Italy’s capital that the private sector is “eager” to work with them and “ready to play a hugely significant and game-changing role”, saying solutions to major issues “seem possible only if there is a much closer partnership between government, the main multilateral banks, the private sector, and its investors”.

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He added that, after many years of his own efforts in speaking up about environmental issues, “I am at last sensing a change in attitudes and the build-up of positive momentum”.

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