
OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso, April 2022/ — Burkina Faso is one of the few countries in Africa endowed with a national Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) digital system.

The MRV IT platform is part of this system being built by the Government, with the support of GGGI and Sweden”.

The need to establish an IT platform stems from national consultations at the project kick-off in 2020. The MRV IT platform was officially launched on March 29, 2022, by the Minister of Environment, Energy, Water and Sanitation, Mrs. Maminata Traoré/Coulibaly, in the presence of the Director-General of GGGI, Dr. Franck Rijsberman, and Mrs. Delphine Ouedraogo, Program Officer at the Embassy of Sweden.

What for?

The web-based platform is primarily designed for archiving and sharing information on the country’s GHG emissions trends, mitigation, and adaptation actions, and on any kind of technological, financial, and capacity-building support.

This platform is part of the country transparency system in accordance with Article 13 of the Paris agreement on enhanced transparency framework requirement. It also helps track progress against the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Who is it for?

The MRV platform is intended for both the national and the international community on climate change. It builds confidence and facilitates monitoring the country’s efforts in the fight against climate change and global warming. It is also intended for national, public and private institutions, scientific community, and students, for learning and knowledge sharing purposes.

Burkina Faso’s MRV platform structure

The MRV platform is organized in six sections as follows:
Burkina Faso MRV system: this section describes Burkina Faso’s specific context and experience on climate change, the national MRV system including the various sectors, institutional framework, and key stakeholders.
Emission data: this section contains all the available information on GHG emissions, the sources and quantification methods as well as mitigation and adaptation objectives
Mitigation and adaptation: this section gathers information on mitigation and adaptation actions. It presents a dynamic geolocated mapping of projects and initiatives, the mitigation ambition to which Burkina Faso is committed.
Support: this section shows Information related to climate finance flow, capacity building actions and technology transfer.
Resources: the resources include any kind of downloadable official document on GHG inventory data, biennial reports, national communications and other documents.
News: this section presents news on climate change and environmental issues, as well as an agenda of future events, with an archiving system for past events.
Lessons learnt and good practices

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A number of good practices noted throughout the development process of the MRV Platform:
Identification of a government entity that is already managing a database system related to climate and environment data.
Establishment of a task force which ensures a close monitoring of the progress against expected milestones, provides orientation on the overall structure of the platform, and the necessary existing information and data;
A climate transparency stakeholder consultation is crucial in the validation process of the key steps ensuring a national ownership
The review of similar successful experiences internationally provided ideas on the key components to be considered.
Management of the MRV platform

The Permanent Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development (SP/CNDD) is the entity within the ministry in charge of environment that has been designated to coordinate the national MRV system. It is also responsible for managing the MRV digital platform through its technical division, the National Observatory on Sustainable Development (ONDD).

The success of this platform depends on the commitment of national actors to its use, promotion, and regular updating. The administrators, facilitators and sectoral MRV focal points providing data have been trained on the management of the platform with the support of GGGI and Sweden in March 2022 and they will play a crucial role in maintaining the website dynamic.


The Burkina Faso‘s MRV IT platform is accessible at the following link:


Badou Gilbert Yelemou, Senior project coordinator, MRV at GGGI

Isabelle Ky, Communication Associate at GGGI

AMA GHANA is not responsible for the reportage or opinions of contributors published on the website.


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