Ghana Health Service
Ghana Health Service

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) on Tuesday opened the first-ever Social and Behaviour Change Summit with Development Partners since its establishment.

The event is currently underway at the Lancaster Hotel in Accra.

The summit seeks to detail the social and behaviour change interventions and learn from the evidence across the country.

As we know Ghana has made significant strides in improving health outcomes and continues to strive for even greater improvement and progress for its citizens and the nation.

This is a timely summit with the recent review and revision of the National Health Promotion Policy and Strategy (2022-2026).

The nature and goal of this evidence summit will support the strategic mission of the Health Promotion strategy, namely, to work in partnership to achieve a healthy population and communities in Ghana (strategic objective #1 of HP Strategy).

GHS through the HPD and the organizers furthers this mission by creating this space for all partners and stakeholders to come together to improve health outcomes across Ghana (and more specifically in Northern Ghana, which continues to lag behind on many health and development outcomes).

This will empower stakeholders to move forward in a coordinated manner (strategic objective #3 of HP Strategy)

Underlying the theory of change of the HP Strategy is research, monitoring, evaluation, and learning. Thus, a key focus of this summit to review existing evidence and identify gaps will promote and empower active stakeholder participation to achieve the goal of improved health outcomes across communities in Ghana.

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