Author: Fadi Dabbousi

A buck in the jungle of minions in the Alan camp seems to be chewing the wrong weed nowadays because he has nothing to do than fabricate lies as he feeds big on the pocket of his master, Alan!

Alan Kyeremanten has lost control of the steer and is heading for the precipice of disaster as the massive support for Dr Bawumia gains more and more momentum.

In fact, there has never been a time in the history of the NPP, and Ghana for that matter, that people have clamoured for a Vice President as much as the delegates and the general population are crying for.

Take it or leave it, he is the choice of the majority and no matter the filth that is hurled at him, his focus on the ball makes mockery of Alan Kyeremanten’s shenanigans in ensuring that Dr Bawumia is soiled and made unmarketable.

 But how can you market someone, who has already been bought by the delegates, MPs and Ministers included? What Alan must understand is that he is very unmarketable. But how can you market a rejected and dejected candidate, who has no stomach for tolerance? After resigning in 2007, he did not even participate in the campaign of 2008, and in 2013 when the election petition was filed, it was Dr Bawumia who stepped into the big shoes of responsibility to take the blows for the NPP. Yet, on the day of the ruling, 29th August 2013, Alan Kyeremanten arrived at the court in an all-white outfit ready to receive victory and share in the spoils to which he had no rights.

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 It is worthy to note that the NPP was winning the election and kicking the butt of John Mahama out of jubilee house with a 5:4 victory had it not been for a huge intervention for the purpose of avoiding an imminent uproar that had the propensity to disturb national peace and cohesion. I will not delve into further details, but almost the entire world knew that the NPP had won their case. Ambassadors of superpowers, also, intervened.

Where was Alan at the time? Well, he probably was getting laid somewhere with a glass of cognac in one hand and a rosary in the other asking for forgiveness simultaneously as he enjoyed gross indulgence. Other than that, what can be said about his hurried arrival at the court especially when he had absolutely nothing to do with legal proceedings and collations!

Who in this country ever knew about pink sheets? Who caused for the electoral laws of Ghana to be changed and amended in order that NDC’s loopholes for vote rigging were sealed? Have the extremists in the Alan camp forgotten Justice Dotse’s statement that elections in Ghana will never be the same again? Dr Bawumia stuck his neck out for the NPP, while Alan stuck his finger up the NPP in a sarcastic show of recalcitrance!

What the crap are you talking about?

Dr Bawumia will never lie to achieve his goal. So, the skewed propaganda that suggests that his handlers have warned him not to lie is as absurd as the unfaithfulness of Alan Kyeremanten and the dishonesty of his crew! I am deeply offended that the overzealous bigots of Alan, him included, would go out of their way to carve out propaganda, thinking that Ghanaians are hungry for their content!

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Well, I have a suggestion for them now that they are absolutely sure that Alan would win the flagbearership race. Since it is a do or die affair for them, let the ropes hang in preparation for a finale when they suffer the inevitable loss that they are squirming to avoid.

The lies and dishonesty of Alan and his bandits are overboard and downright wicked! Bawumia never made a statement to the zango communities to the effect that he should be voted for because he is a Muslim and a Northerner! Mo yɛ atorofo ankasa, Nyame bɛtwe mo aso! Was it not your lot that started the mantra that a Muslim Northerner can never be a President? Your naked foolishness has never been this ugly. Was it not Alan Kyeremanten, who went around Ashanti and other regions telling delegates to vote for him because he was their kind? No, no, Ashantis are not his kind! Ashantis are faithful!

Let the bucks and the slithering serpents in Alan Kyeremanten’s jungle of zombies tread cautiously because the mines that they are burying in the path of Dr Bawumia will, certainly, go off in their faces. And please, while you have one thumb in your shithole and the other in your mouth, remember the saying, “if you dig a pit for your friend, you will surely fall into it!”

Go and sin no more!

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