Kishore Gurmukhdas alias Kishore Ahuja, a so-called Indian businessman has been caught up in an alleged shady deal involving several properties in the country including one at Osu which has caught the attention of the Economic Crime Office (EOCO).
The said property, which is the subject of this report is located at Osu right behind the Trust hospital.
The Daily Analyst has gathered that Kishore has rented out the said property to unsuspecting customers even though documents available indicate that the said property does not belong to him and carrying himself as the landlord
However, documents available to this paper indicate that, Mr Kishore does not own the said property. Instead, the property bears the name of two Ghanaians.
Therefore, the issue is why Kishore is renting out the property if, as the documents indicate, he does not own it.
A reliable source at EOCO tells this paper that this alleged questionable deal involving Mr. Kishore is what has triggered the investigation.
Meanwhile, the Daily Analyst is set to publish all the documents indicting Kishore in the coming weeks.
Stay glued for more info!!!