Mrs. Sylvia Akwaboah, President of Soccer For Dreamers has disclosed that the Ubuntu Online Academy which is a project to support the youth will train 200 and over volunteers to augment their goals and objectives.

She told journalists after the round table discussion at the Lancaster Hotel in Accra on Tuesday where business owners, CEOs of corporations and NGOs, HR heads, CSR heads, media and sports people gathered to brainstorm on the pain points of hiring in their various industries and how Ubuntu Online Academy can bridge the gap.

She noted that young people are the future and they should be equiped now to be able to abreast with other youth in America, Europe, Asia or Saudi Arabia.

According to Mrs. Akwaboah, young Ghanaians and Africans need to be encouraged and supported so the Ubuntu Online Academy has taken taken up the challenge to address some issue and post them as content on their platform which is getting more members daily.

She expressed that some of the solutions can be found in skills training, creativity, volunteerism, digital media influence, experience sharing and encouragement.

She was glad for a successful meeting of people from various sectors of society to brainstorm on social development.

Mrs. Busie Matsiko-Andan, a Souh African married to a Ghanaian in a contribution said the time for change is now and Africans must stand up and do something for their respective nations and continent.

Ms. Clara Penkra-Sam CEO of Clatural, a fashion expert and entrepreneur said their industry is big and they are ready to support the Ubuntu Online Academy.

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She spoke about creativity, awareness creation and how Africa can lead in the industry with excellent training and skill development.

Mrs. Sylvia Akwaboah, President of Soccer For Dreamers whose three sons are young footballers and very much interested in education and helping others said they wanted to find a platform to support footballers who do nothing after training and it generated into the Ubuntu Online project.

She asked interested people to check out the Ubuntu platform on to register or donate.

Ubuntu Online Academy is a free learning platform, an initiative by Soccer For Dreamers to equip the youth of Ghana, and eventually Africa for employment prospects or entrepreneurship.

Soccer For Dreamers has also supported various football clubs and players, both male and female with many logistics.

By Sammy Heywood Okine

AMA GHANA is not responsible for the reportage or opinions of contributors published on the website.


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