Accra, Ghana – July 3, 2024 – The African continent is set to witness a groundbreaking initiative aimed at transforming its business landscape.

The Ambidexterity for Africa (A4A) Framework, a pioneering policy framework designed to promote sustainable industrial growth and enhance global competitiveness, will officially launch on July 31, 2024.

This launch will be accompanied by the release of a comprehensive white paper, “Doing Business in Ghana: A Comprehensive Analysis of Key Economic Sectors and Investment Opportunities.”

About the A4A Framework

Developed through extensive research and strategic collaboration, the A4A Framework seeks to empower African businesses by fostering a balanced approach to exploration and exploitation.

This dual strategy is designed to stimulate innovation, enhance productivity, and support the continent’s economic transformation.

The framework aims to position African industries at the forefront of global markets, ensuring they can adapt to and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

The White Paper

The accompanying white paper provides an in-depth analysis of Ghana’s business environment, identifying potential growth areas and offering strategic insights into sustainable business practices.

It highlights crucial areas for investment and offers recommendations covering key economic sectors.

The document also emphasizes the role of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in boosting intra-African trade and fostering economic integration.

Strategic Objectives

The launch of the A4A Framework and white paper marks a significant step in promoting:

.       Ambidexterity for global competitiveness
•       Enhanced trade competitiveness
•       Sustainable industrial growth across Africa
•       Innovation and productivity in African businesses
•       Economic diversification and job creation
•       Scalability and resilience of African industries

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“We believe that by promoting a balance between exploration and exploitation, African industries can achieve significant growth and innovation,” said Harmony Attise, Founder and Executive Director of A4A.

“This framework is a culmination of extensive research and collaboration with industry experts and academia, which aims to position African businesses at the forefront of global markets.

We invite media partners and interested stakeholders to join us in this significant event as we unveil strategies to enhance Africa’s global competitiveness,” she added.

For further information about the A4A Framework, the upcoming launch event, or to request an interview, please get in touch with our team via 0246-646-603 | 050-703-8639

About A4A – Ambidexterity for Africa (A4A) is a pioneering non-governmental organization established in 2024, dedicated to promoting African businesses on the global market through ambidextrous

Our mission is to empower African industries to achieve global competitiveness and sustainable industrialization.

A4A Team
Ambidexterity for Africa (A4A)

“Empowering African Businesses for Sustainable Global Competition and Industrialization”

Phone: +233 05-703-8639
Address: Kanda Highway, Accra, Ghana

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