
FREE SHS Is Delivering Quality, Mass Educational Empowerment, Not Cheap Mediocrity—NPP GERMANY Fires NDC’s Nana Opoku Agyemang

NPP GERMANY has been compelled to revisit the remarkable strides our nation has made in education and to further commend the vision, leadership, and impact of the Free Senior High School (SHS) program initiated by President Nana Akufo-Addo.

This policy has opened doors of opportunity for countless young Ghanaians, ensuring that the potential of our youth is not stifled by financial barriers.

Today, we reaffirm our commitment to ensuring that every Ghanaian child receives an education that prepares them for the future—not through shortcuts, but through hard work, integrity, and opportunity.

The success stories are countless, and they stand as irrefutable evidence that Free SHS is delivering quality mass excellence, not mediocrity.

As it stands, Ghanaians can attest to that one policy that has transformed the lives of millions of Ghanaians which is Nana Akufo-Addo’s non-negotiable Free Senior High School (SHS) program.

The critics have loudly claimed that this initiative compromises academic standards, accusing us of leaking exams to students to manufacture mass success.

We are here to tell you that these accusations are not only baseless but an insult to the incredible achievements made possible through the Free SHS program and to the intelligence of millions of beneficiaries.

One of such critique is a recent reckless loose NDC acerbic-tongued Nana Opoku Agyemang’s outbursts, that successful candidates and graduates of the FREE SHS benefitted from exams leakages, is not only bogus but a typical rustic bush anti-progress stagnant mentality coupled with unimaginable negative energy.

Let us switch attention to the story of a young man named Thomas Amoani, a brilliant student from a humble background who benefited from Free SHS.

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Thomas attended Adeiso Senior High School, a school many might overlook. But through his dedication and the opportunity afforded him by the Free SHS program, he emerged as one of Ghana’s brightest students, scoring 8As in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

These results were not a product of leaked exams, but a testament to what can happen when opportunities meet determination.

After his success, President Nana Akufo-Addo himself saw the potential in Thomas and directed that he be awarded a scholarship to further his studies abroad.

Thomas Amoani stands now as a proud graduate of Brunel University in the United Kingdom, where he excelled as the best Economics student and graduated with First Class Honours.

At this point, we ask those who disparage Free SHS to consider this: could a system built on mediocrity produce a scholar of such calibre?

How on earth would a leaked exams prepare a student to compete on the global stage at a university in the United Kingdom?

The evidence is clear—what critics call ‘mass passing’ is in reality, mass quality empowerment.

The detractors conveniently ignore stories like that of Thomas Amoani, choosing instead to peddle narratives that undermine the hard work of students, teachers, and parents across the country.

These stories are living proof that Free SHS is raising the standard of education, not lowering it.

By enabling children from all walks of life to access quality secondary education, we are nurturing a generation of thinkers, innovators, and leaders who will propel this nation forward.

This policy is not just about pass rates; it is about creating opportunities for brilliance to flourish regardless of any background.

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Yes, we are achieving mass success because, for the first time in our history, access to quality education is not restricted by financial barriers.

The critics cannot fathom that the sons and daughters of market traders, farmers, and laborers can now walk the same academic corridors as those of the privileged.

To those critics, we say this: Do not mistake equal opportunity for compromise. Do not confuse broad access with lower standards. Free SHS is building a stronger, more equitable future, and we will not allow baseless claims to undermine this progress.

Today, Thomas Amoani stands tall as a symbol of what is possible when the right opportunities are provided.

He pursued his studies at Brunel University in the United Kingdom, where he didn’t just excel – he thrived.

Thomas emerged as the overall best student in Economics at the university in 2022, and he later graduated with First Class Honours.

His academic journey is nothing short of inspirational, and it is a testament to the transformative power of education.

But behind Thomas’s success story lies a mother’s unwavering hope and determination.

Ataa Dankwa, Thomas’s mother, embodies the struggles and aspirations of countless parents across Ghana.

In her own words, she had no means of supporting her son’s dreams, yet she held onto hope.

When her plight was brought to the attention of Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, he stepped in to provide the support needed to propel Thomas forward.

Today, Ataa Dankwa’s name is known not just in Adeiso, but across Ghana, because of the success story of her son – a story made possible by the Free SHS policy.

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This moment is a reminder that every young person, regardless of where they come from, deserves a chance to achieve their full potential.

It’s a reminder that policies like Free SHS are not just numbers on a spreadsheet; they are life-changing interventions that can alter the course of entire families, communities, and the nation at large.

As we look to the future, let us remember that the success of students like Thomas Amoani is a collective achievement.

It is the fruit of visionary leadership, effective policy, and the unwavering belief that education is the key to unlocking Ghana’s greatness.

We stand here today not just to commend the Free SHS program but to celebrate the lives it has touched, the dreams it has nurtured, and the futures it has secured.

Let us continue to support such initiatives, and let us keep the dream of accessible quality education alive for every Ghanaian child.

We encourage all NPP members, supporters and Ghanaians to rally behind our candidates and work together for a brighter future for Ghana.

We will continue to urge the good people of Ghana to vote NPP and break the 8 in order to retain the NPP so that the next NPP administration in the helm of governance will continue to give off its best.

We Say KUDOS to Nana Addo-Dankwa Akufo-Addo and his government!!!

Let The Truth Confound The Wise……

Long Live Nana Addo-Dankwa Akufo-Addo!!

God Bless Our Homeland Ghana!!!

Long Live the Elephant Party!!!!

Kukruduuuu Eeeessshiii!!!!


Nana Osei Boateng

NPP Germany Branch

Communications Director

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