James 1:2-42. Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3. for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 4. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. Unquote. 

James was born a union and flesh brother with Jude, and Jesus Christ (Matthew 13:55; Jude 1). Had faith in Jesus Christ his brother nevertheless. Came to the defence of Jesus Christ many times. 
He became an apostle after the Lord’s resurrection (Gal.1:19). Became an elder in the church in Jerusalem ( Acts 12:17; 15:2,13; 21:18). He was reputed to be, with Peter and John, a pillar of the church. Paul mentioned him as the first among the three pillars of the church (Gal 2:9).
Note: these servants and pillars as even Paul called them left the church intact its dignity, name, or processes. They never claimed the church to themselves. 
James used his witnessing to the Jewish people to understand that the way of Jesus Christ was a radical departure and different from Judaism.
His understanding brought settlement between Paul and Peter. James boldly contradicted Judaism, and did equal Jesus Christ with God ( John 5:8). 
As I have stated earlier this epistle was written to the Jewish Christians who had faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. Of glory (James 2:1) that they were justified by faith (2:24) regenerated by the word of truth (18), and indwelt by the Spirit of God (4:5), and who were members of the church (5:14), awaiting the Lord’s coming back (5:7-8).
Reading through his epistle we’re to take notice of his (James) understanding of the GOSPEL and God’s plan for the church inclusive of the gentiles ( 1 Corinthians 10.32).
I mentioned the above because many today continue to be stumbling blocks for others who don’t look like them in their church. People who don’t have money, education, or social status like them. 
With my experience throughout the world, even churches are extremely racist, nationalistic, and tribalistic. Shame unto all who have divided the church these ways. 
May God bless and help them to repent.

ALSO READ  Moesha! Moesha!!
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