MP for Sissala West_2

The Honourable Member of Parliament (MP) for the Sissala West Constituency, Mohammed Adams Sukparu, has toured his constituency to thank his constituents for voting for him in the December 2020 parliamentary elections.

Among the communities, he visited was Kandia where he assured the constituents of his ever readiness to help develop the community and the constituency at large.

The people who were visibly excited at the visit of the MP demonstrated deep appreciation and assured him of their unflinching support at any time.

The MP also visited the district capital to familiarize himself with the workings of some of the state institutions.

He seized the opportunity to formally introduce himself to the staff of these institutions and assured them of incentive packages that would make them deliver on their mandate.

Officers of the various institutions expressed gratitude to the MP for the visit. To some of them, it was a rare opportunity presented to them to meet with their lawmaker and they appreciated it very much. They also indicated their readiness to work with the MP to enable him to realize his developmental vision for the constituency.

Hon Adams Sukparu acknowledged the deprived nature of some of the communities in the district and said he would need the collaboration and contributions of each of the stakeholders for the needed development to come. He said his doors are always open to them at all times and he will respond when called upon.

He entreated them not to hesitate to let him know of any challenge that hinders their work.

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Other institutions in the constituency that Hon. Adams Sukparu visited include the Ghana Police Service, the Ghana Education Service (GES), the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS), the District Assembly, the Youth Authority, and the Ghana Health Service (GHS).

He also visited the Landlord of Gwollu and his people to appreciate the support rendered him throughout his campaign to become an MP. He asked for their continuous support to help bring development to the area.

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