Ben Nunoo Mensah

The President of the Ghana Olympic Committee, Ben Nunoo Mensah has been appointed to serve on the Development Commission of the Association of National Olympic Committee of Africa (ANOCA).

According to a release, the appointment takes effect from March 4, 2021.

The duties of the Commission is to consider the Statues of ANOCA, the resolutions of the ANOCA Executive Committee Meeting held in Visio conference on 29 December 2020, and the decision No 001/PR/2021 creating, organizing, and fixing the functioning of the Development Commission of the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA),

Check the release below

“Decision No°003/PR/2021 appointing members of the Development Commission of the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA)

The President of ANOCA,

– Considering the Statutes of ANOCA,

– Considering the resolutions of the ANOCA Executive Committee Meeting held in Visio conference on 29 December 2020,

– Considering Decision No 001/PR/2021 creating, organizing and fixing the functioning of the Development Commission of the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA),

Following consultation with the Ad hoc Commission chair Hereby decides :

Article 1:

The following personalities shall be appointed, in the below positions within the Development Commission of the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA):


– Mr. Barry Hendricks, South Africa

– Mr. Ahmed Habu Gumel, Nigeria

– Mrs Bouchra Hajij, Morocco

– Dr. Ashebir Gayo, Ethiopia

– Mrs Beatrice Ayikorou, Uganda

– Mr. Amar Bramia, Algeria

– Mr. Hamdi Rahim, Egypt

– Mr. Paul Tergat, Kenya

– Mr. Augustin Senghor, Senegal

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– Mr. Ben Nunoo Mensah, Ghana

– Mr. Abner Axel Xoagub, Namibia

– Mr. Vivian Gungaram, Mauritius

– Mr. Foloko Alfred, Zambia

Olympic Solidarity Reprsentative:

– Mr. Olivier Niamkey

Rapporteur of the Commission:

Ms. Ezera Tshabangu

Assistants to the President of the Commission:

Mr. David OJONG

Mr. Abdourahman KALKABA

Article 2:

This decision, takes effect as from this date of signature, the 4th of March 2021


Mustapha BERRAF

ANOCA President / IOC Member

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