Kafaba ward

The Member of Parliament for Salaga South Constituency, Hon. Hajia Zuwera Ibrahimah on Sunday 6th June 2021 paid a courtesy visit to the NDC Kafaba ward of the Savannah Region to interact with branch executives and as part of her efforts to build a strong base for the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

As part of efforts to further consolidate the electoral gains in the constituency, Hon. Hajia Zuwera Ibrahimah presented twenty-five (25) motorbikes to the Kafaba ward executives to support their daily activities and the running of the affairs of the party.

The donation of the motorbikes according to the member of parliament is also in fulfillment of a promise she made prior to the 2020 general elections where she promised to empower and resource the various branches in order for them to carry out party activities at the branch level.

Presenting the motor bikes to the branches, the Savannah Regional Youth Organizer, Alhaji Inusah Mahama indicated that, the motor bikes are not donated to individuals but rather the branches and that, they must be used in the interest of the party.

Hajia Zuwera Ibrahimah thanked the branch executives for their support and sacrifices for the NDC and charged all branch executives to be united and work very hard for the party.

The branch chairman for Kakoshi Mr. Ussif Alhassan was full of praise for the Hon. MP and indicated that, it was the first of it’s kind that, all the branches are receiving motor bikes to aid their activities

Madam Rebbeca Naanon who is the branch women’s organiser for Kalampor thanked Hajia Zuwera for the gesture and prayed for Allah to continue to bless her

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So far, the MP has donated sixty five (65) motor bikes to three (3) wards including Konkomba, Abrumase and Kafaba wards.

She indicated that, the remaining two wards; Salaga and Kpembe wards will receive their motors in the coming days.

Hajia Zuwera Ibrahimah was accompanied by the Savannah Regional Youth Organizer Alhaji Inusah Mahama, Savannah Regional Deputy Treasurer Mr. Haruna Aziz, Acting Constituency Chairman Alhaji Awudu Abbah, Constituency Deputy Secretary Mr. Awari Lawal, Constituency Treasurer Mr. Kassim Rabiu, Mr. Shaibu Sofo, Mr. Habibu, and Mr. Tahiru Imoru both constituency executive members.

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