Begoro turns into a refuse dump
Begoro now refuse dump

Piles of refuse have become a common sight in some markets and communities in Begoro, the capital of the Fanteakwa District in the Eastern Region.

Residents from communities along the Begoro Abaase -Apeaning Main Road who are unable to access waste management services have also turned the road into refuse dumps.

An observation by Kingdom FM reporter, Richard Obeng Bediako revealed that residents throw rubbish on the streets instead of dropping it in the rubbish bins provided for that purpose.

Madam Grace Ofori, a rice seller told on Monday, that it was very disheartening to sell in such an environment.

“Selling in this environment is very disturbing, the stench from the gutter is really unbearable and it sometimes makes me sick,” she said.

Heaps of refuse compete with residents for space, gutters are choked with garbage, and rats have a field day.

The worse part of it is that food vendors sell by these gutters, a situation which can easily breed cholera outbreak.

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