
Dear Sir Fenyi,


Sir Counsellor, we woke up to your letter to the Church of Pentecost on a fallacious premise that Manasseh Azure Awuni had ‘investigated and exposed some “sins” perpetuated by one of your Presiding Elders, Elder Dr, Joseph Siaw Agyepong’.

Funny enough you recall the awards Manasseh got within a certain period but you forgot that your own member, Elder Siaw Agyepong had bagged hundreds of awards worldwide.

Indeed, Dr. Siaw Agyepong has single-handedly transformed the waste management industry in Ghana within the space of fourteen years amidst detracting bashing from the likes of Manasseh Azure Awuni including the Accra Compost and Recycling Plant (ACARP) which processes 2,000 tonnes of solid waste per day, the Kumasi Compost and Recycling (KCARP) Africa’s biggest waste plant 2,400 tonnes a day, Accra Sewerage Systems Limited which treats liquid waste at Levenda Hill, Universal Plastic Products and Recycling Limited where waste bins and other plastics are processed manufactured and the sixteen Integrated Recycling and Compost Plants (IRECOP) under construction at various stages in the sixteen regions of Ghana.

I will stay on achievements a bit because I am interested and I ask and the answers are always inundating and overwhelming and superior to that of.

You said “Manasseh was awarded Ghana’s Journalist of the Year in 2011 and also won Journalist of West Africa in 2018” but Mr. Counsellor Fenyi, permit me to ask whether you are indeed a member of the Church of Pentecost and whether my suspicion is not true that you only have your name embossed on that letter but you cannot count the words and understand same therein?

Assuming without admitting that you are indeed a member of the revered Church of Pentecost lead by Apostle Eric Kwabena Nyamekye who succeed the renowned writer and Prof. Kwadwo Nimfour Opoku Onyinah. Would your church leadership not have advised you that you ought not to act on hearsay evidence? Even the laws of Ghana ‘(Evidence Act 1975, (N.R.C.D 323) admits with restrictions hearsay evidence, I am not sure you are even aware of that. You actually read the frivolous and malicious lies perpetrated by Manasseh and you are falling susceptible to it?

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Zoomlion should be suing people like you who take what Manasseh says hook, line and sinker for you to have a field day in court to answer questions you published without knowledge. Indeed, it had been my prayer that Zoomlion sues Manasseh himself because most of the things he writes and says are libellous and slanderous at all times defaming the very image of an innocent hard working Ghanaian. I heard somewhere that Dr. Agyepong does not want to fight Manasseh in court because some members of society may think he is trying to silence him so he leaves everything to God to vindicate him. Really?

 Aaah well, but even that Counsellor Fenyi, did you not hear that the Supreme Court of Ghana and an Accra High Court have ruled in different instances that Zoomlion/Jospong could not be surcharged by the Auditor General and that nothing fraudulent was found against Zoomlion in 2020 as was alleged and publicised by the Auditor General and Manasseh respectively? Don’t be naïve, read and upgrade your scope, you don’t follow with your heart but your head.

Counsellor, I am now coming to tell you the high profile awards that Elder. Dr. Siaw Agyepong have earned without your acknowledgement in your letter that you sought to tout Manasseh’s credentials.  You should know that Dr. Joseph Siaw Agyepong has won hundreds of awards together with his prestigious companies and executives over the time including, the African Achievers Award he won with H.E. Lordina Mahama in 2016. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Harvard Center for African Studies, he is instituted at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health as “Joseph S. Agyepong Distinguished Lecture on Public Health in Africa”, Dr. Agyepong and Zoomlion Ghana Limited were honoured with the” Leadership in industry” in 2021 by the Millennium Excellence Awards where Manasseh was also an awardee, Overall Best Entrepreneur  of the Decade Award by Entrepreneurs Foundation, Ghana 2021, CEO of the Decade by Chief Executives Network, Most Influential African Business Leader of the Decade by Initiators of Change, and Zoomlion Ghana Limited receiving National Waste Management Company of the Year award 2021, from Maiden National Business Honour, Best Covid 19 CSR company of the year 2021, Waste Management Brand of the year 2021 by Instinct Wave and many more that space can’t take here.

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So you do not talk about achievements when you are comparing Manasseh’s deeds with Dr. Agyepong because he will evaporate or get extinct.

You think because the Church is neutral your quotation of the late Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu’s thought on neutrality would suffice? you blindly have taken sides which is more dangerous than the silent neutral.

It is telling in your letter that you have judged Jospong to be wrong as you describe his deeds as sins unjustifiably. Are you sure that Jospong has committed what Manasseh said he did?

Okay good, but you say you are a member of the Church of Pentecost ooo so how come you did not seek audience with Dr. Agyepong your member as a counsellor to be sure he really had committed the sins you are alleging as true as stated by Manasseh before passing judgement for the Bible in Matthew 7 admonishes us not to judge so that we too are not judged?

I see you more of a foolish and weak-minded person seeking fame which may not come your way soon if you indulge in these kinds of acts. You are a surrogate for Manasseh his quest to fault Jospong which will end at naught.

You have not convince at least not me in your letter that it is the duty of the church to catch thieves. How about liars and dishonest people or sex abusers? The duty of the church is to preach and transform people not investigate and find out what they do for a living. So your call on the church smacks of the fact that you do not know the church system and cannot be a Counsellor so-called.

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You actually need more counselling than anybody Mr. Daniel Fenyi. I shall come your way when you do not do your work well.

Please stay at where your work will not contradict your attitude. You can’t be an ignorant journalist and a lying counsellor Mr. Fenyi in our space. I will be bringing out a bombshell you sit on soon and we will know exactly whether you can continue to work as a counsellor so-called

Until next time, I wish you a happy new year in advance and may 2022 make you a better counsellor.

Yours sincerely

Mashoud Bawa

Email: mbawa@yahoo.com                                     

Writer is a journalist with focus on Environmental Sanitation and Waste Management.

AMA GHANA is not responsible for the reportage or opinions of contributors published on the website.


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