On Saturday, September 16th, 2023, His Excellency John Dramani Mahama, the flag bearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress, awarded a special certificate of appreciation and honor to the immediate past National Vice Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress and former Ghana’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt under the erstwhile National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration, H.E. Alhaji Said Sinare.

This unprecedented recognition is in appreciation of his remarkable contributions towards the development of the NDC Greater Accra Zongo Caucus Stakeholders Forum.

According to reports, Alhaji Said Sinare’s relentless commitment and dedication to his National Democratic Congress have been crucial in achieving the successes recorded by the NDC Greater Accra Zongo Caucus Stakeholders Forum.

This honor is a testament to his passion and hard work, and it will undoubtedly serve as a source of motivation for others to emulate.

The founder of the Zongo for NDC and the fearless big gun of the opposition National Democratic Congress, H.E. Alhaji Said Sinare, who has described the ruling NPP as a party that has remained an embarrassing ideological proposition and oddity to the people of this country, welcomed the recognition given him in a statement he issued on Sunday.

In a letter addressed to the former president and his National Democratic Congress, Mr. Sinare added that he will continue to be devoted to the success of the NDC.


Dear H.E. John Dramani Mahama and the NDC,

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for honoring me for my immeasurable contribution to the success of the NDC Greater Accra Zongo Caucus Stakeholders Forum yesterday at the central mosque, Kanda (Ayawaso East Constituency).

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This recognition means a lot to me, and I feel proud to have been a part of such an esteemed organization.

To be recognized for the hard work and dedication put into the success of this forum is both humbling and inspiring.

I will continue to be devoted to the progress and growth of the NDC, and I am honored to have been recognized by you for my contributions.

I will always cherish this recognition and continue to work towards the advancement and success of this organization.

Thank you once again for this great honor.

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