Bowier Trust

The Monrovia City Police has received honor from Bowier Trust Foundation Switzerland.
Under the able administration of Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee, the face of the Monrovia City Government, the Monrovia City Police completed a two day intensive workshop with the Bowier Trust Foundation Switzerland.
The certificates of honor were presented to the Monrovia City Police beginning from the hierarchy to the least ranking officer. The workshop which was held at the Monrovia City Hall from March 10-11 was intended to reform the human capacity development in enhancing the skills and ability of the Monrovia City Police.
During the workshop, Col. Thomas Garwo, Director of the Monrovia City Police introduced the high ranking officers and spoke about police relationship with the communities in Monrovia and its environs, citing that it is the first place of contact when crimes are committed.

Meanwhile, he expressed delight over the training remarking that “the level of professionalism employ by the City Police in their community engagement will invite a good relationship between the police and the public, which is a very paramount coordination in making them effective and timing on their Jobs”.
He added that the full involvement of the Monrovia City Police in the workshop will continue to enhance capacity building.
The workshop mainly focused on Human Rights & Discrimination, Public Safety, Investigation, Incident Response, Community Policing, Enabling Services & Reporting, Building Institutional & Organizational Capacity.
The workshop presentation captured the 4 SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats as key points developers in making accurate decisions.
Based on these analyses the Monrovia City Police will be able to work in close relationship with the residents of Monrovia especially the community in ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities.
The workshop was presented by Felix F. Walz, a senior UN Police Advisor with UNMIL and the Liberia National Police, a senior Police Captain of the State Police Zürich Switzerland, and Chairman of the Bowier Trust Foundation Switzerland.
At the end of the workshop, Felix F. Walz extolled Monrovia City Police for the level of professionalism and maturity exercised.
The workshop was in full attendance by high-ranking officers of the Bowier Trust Foundation Switzerland and the Monrovia City Police.

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Credit: Alpha G. Gray

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